I was born a romantic.

I like living intensely.

I cry listening to music.

I like the beach and waterfalls.

In that order.

I prefer being face to face.

I believe peace is the only way.

I love cinema and fine art.

I like moving. I like feeling like a local.

Not necessarily in that order.

I strive for morality and for goodness.

I prefer the truth.

I appreciate the ephemeral. I appreciate the little details.

I appreciate silence.

I walk singing in the streets. Everywhere.

I like full moons.

I love feeling the rain on my skin.

I love when different kinds of art join together.

I love when different kinds of people join together.

I prefer it colorful.

I hope to bring something good to people’s lives.

My best friends are musicians.

I like going to the theater. I like cooking.

I prefer making love.

Everything in due course.

I like tropical climates. I like winter in Rio.

Outside the tropics, I prefer summer.

I like harvesting the day’s food from the fields.

I like eating fruits and vegetables.

I prefer sharing.

I play capoeira, and I play instrumental music.

My accordion is as black as my dog.

I do everything with a lot of tranquility and a lot of love.

At the same time.